water safety

Staying A Float

10 Tips to Ensure Your Safety When Out on the Water at Lake Anna

By Kelsey Thomas

Lake Anna is a gorgeous oasis whose pristine waters are always calling your name. However, just like when visiting any other lake or body of water, you must actively follow precautionary steps to ensure the safety of you and your friends or family. Next time you’re out on the water, make sure you follow these 10 simple lake safety tips.

1. Know How to Swim 

You should only get in the water if you’re confident in your swimming ability. This ensures safety from any currents or drop-off zones.

2. Wear a Life Jacket

The depth of the lake can vary, which can put an individual at risk, even if they’re a seasoned swimmer. Be sure to always wear a life jacket, especially if you’re participating in water activities like kayaking, paddleboarding or boating. 

3. Supervise Children

Don’t ever leave children unattended and always keep a close eye on them, regardless of their swim level. Drowning can occur quickly and quietly and it’s important that you’re attentive.

4. Follow Boating Rules

Whether you own a boat or are renting one, make sure you always follow boating regulations like speed limits, right-of-way rules and no-wake zones. 

5. Be Cautious of Hazardous 

Materials or Animals

Stay on the lookout for hazards that could cause injury like rocks, branches or strong currents. Also be aware of certain creatures that you should keep a distance from like water snakes or leeches.

6.  Protect Yourself from 

the Sun

When you’re out on the water, you’re much more exposed to the sun’s powerful rays, which can lead to a quick sunburn and dehydration. Drink plenty of water and always wear sunscreen. Extra precautions include wearing a hat and seeking shade..

7. Only Go on the Water During 

Safe Weather Conditions

Check the weather to ensure that the water is safe for activities. Avoid storms or high winds, as the weather can get choppy, and never go on the weather if there is lighting.

8. Don’t Go Alone

It’s best to always use the buddy system when going out on the water just in case there are any sort of emergencies. Whether it’s a group or just two people, the more the merrier is a good motto to have to ensure your safety. 

9. Always Be Prepared for 


A first aid kit, whistle and flotation device should always be easily accessible. It’s also wise to know CPR and understand basic water rescue techniques. 

10. Pet Saftey

Always supervise you dog when near the waters. Anytime they are near the water have them wear a well-fitted life-jacket. Keep them on a leash when at the lake, especially if it’s their first time. Be aware of the area’s lease laws.



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